Fujii Lab Key Publications

Fujii lab publications will come soon
Kotaro’s postdoc work

+Fujii, K., Zhulyn, O., Byeon, G.W., Genuth, N.R., Kerr, C.H., Walsh, E.M., and +Barna, M. Controlling tissue patterning by translational regulation of signaling transcripts through the core translation factor EIF3C. Developmental Cell 56, 2918-2937 (2021) +corresponding authors )
DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.10.009

  • Preview Article: Strayer, E.C., Tornini, V.A., Giraldez, A.J. Giving translation a hand. Developmental Cell 56, 2921-2923 (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.10.016
  • Future: Faculty Opinions

Fujii, K., Susanto, TT., Saurabh, S., and Barna, M. Decoding the function of expansion segments in ribosomes. Molecular Cell 72, 1013-1020 (2018) 
DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2018.11.023

  • Cover article
  • Previewed in Success Stories by Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

*Shi, Z., *Fujii, K., Kovary, K.M., Genuth, N.R., Röst, H.L., Teruel, M.N., and Barna, M. Heterogeneous ribosomes preferentially translate distinct subpools of mRNAs genome-wide. Molecular Cell 67, 71-83 (2017) *co-first author 
DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.05.021

  • Preview Article: Briggs, J.W. and Dinman, J.D. Subtractional Heterogeneity: A critical step toward defining specialized ribosomes. Molecular Cell 67, 3-4 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.06.022
  • Research Highlight: Leslie, M. A division of labor in cells’ protein factories.  Science 356, 1218-1219 (2017) DOI: 10.1126/science.356.6344.1218
  • Research Highlight: Kwon, D. Ribosomes are functionally diverse. The Scientist (2017)
  • Meet the Author Zhen Shi and Kotaro Fujii: Molecular Cell
  • Future: Faculty Opinions

*Fujii, K.*Shi, Z., *Zhulyn, O., Denans, N., and Barna, M. Pervasive translational regulation of the cell signaling circuitry underlies mammalian development. Nature Communications 8, 14443 (2017) *co-first author 
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14443

Kotaro’s graduate work

*Fujii, K.*Kitabatake, M., Sakata, T., and Ohno, M. 40S subunit dissociation and proteasome-dependent RNA degradation in non-functional 25S rRNA decay. The EMBO Journal 31, 2579-2589 (2012) *co-first author 
DOI: 10.1038/emboj.2012.85

*Fujii, K.*Kitabatake, M., Sakata, T., Miyata, A., and Ohno, M. A role for ubiquitin in the clearance of nonfunctional rRNAs. Genes & Development 23, 963-974 (2009) *co-first author 
DOI: 10.1101/gad.1775609

  • Preview Article: Hinnebusch, A.G. Active destruction of defective ribosomes by a ubiquitin ligase involved in DNA repair. Genes & Development 23, 891-895 (2009) DOI: 10.1101/gad.1800509
  • Future: Faculty Opinions