PTK Trainee Travel Awards
Traveling to scientific meetings and conferences is an important component of scientific training. Students and postdocs require opportunities to network, present their research, and form new collaborations with scientists in other locations around the world. These interactions are essential for developing new hypotheses, practicing scientific communication, and identifying future training and career opportunities. In an effort to facilitate this process, funding from Promise to Kate is being provided to support travel to scientific meetings related to Myotonic Dystrophy research. Five travel awards of $1000 each will be awarded to students and postdocs to help defray costs of travel and attendance at these meetings.
Two of the PTK trainee travel scholarships have been awarded for attendance to the IDMC.
Please join us in congratulating Melissa Hale from Dr. Andy Berglund’s lab and Dr. James Thomas from Dr. Maury Swanson’s lab.
Congratulations Melissa and James!!