Promise To Kate (PTK) has provided very generous support for two Ph.D. level graduate student fellowships at 50% effort for 1 year (2017-2018). These funds will include tuition, benefits, and stipend. Awardees must devote at least 50% of their effort to research that will benefit basic insights into myotonic dystrophy research and/or therapeutic approaches that will benefit DM patients. Applicants must have begun their PhD program in Fall of 2016 or earlier. PTK graduate fellows will be required to attend the annual PTK benefit event in the Spring of 2018 and may be asked to describe their research to a lay audience at this event.
This years awardees are:
Melissa Hale from Dr. Andy Berglund’s laboratory
Ryan Hildebrandt from Dr. Eric Wang’s laboratory.
Congratulations to Melissa and Ryan!!